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Join our mission of resisting persecution by providing clinically-informed biblical soul care mental health training and support. With compassion and faith, we can heal trauma, uplift spirits, and restore the mental wellness of hurting families.

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HELLO & WELCOME TO Healing Africa Ministries

Healing Africa Ministries addresses the effects of persecution on Christians in Nigeria through Gospel-centered Biblical Counseling and Soul Care trainings. The effects of persecution include mental health problems such as trauma, depression and anxiety.

We hope that integrating a Gospel-centered approach in our teachings helps our trainees bring many to Christ through their counseling – including those who persecute them.

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WE ARE COMMITTED Mission Statement

Our mission is to resist persecution by bringing healing support to the mental health of traumatized Christians of Africa through clinically-informed Biblical soul care and trauma training of pastors and church leaders.

About Us
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Why is our organization needed?

We address the mental health effects of persecution in Nigeria such as trauma, depression, and anxiety.

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Causes of the Situation

  • Desire for Islamic domination in Nigeria has led to intense persecution of Christian believers and targeted pastors...
  • Plateau State in Nigeria represents the last Christian stronghold from Islam-dominated northern Nigeria.
  • 4000 Christians were killed in Nigeria in 2024 alone, 12,793 since 2019, with 8000 believers abducted over 3 years.*
  • As a result, Christians in N. Nigeria are suffering from trauma, and anxiety and depression.
  • Churches are not equipped to address the trauma-related mental health effects of the persecution.
  • Pastors are overwhelmed and ill-equipped for the number of serious cases that need trauma-informed Biblical Counseling.
  • Global Christian Relief*
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Who We Support

  • Jos has been labeled as a “matchbox” – tensions are high between Christian and Muslim communities and have led to intermittent fighting and killing over the years...
  • Pastors and church leaders and their spouses in Plateau state because leading church denominations such as ECWA and COCIN are located in the capital Jos. Over a thousand have expressed interest in receiving training in 2024.
  • Mature Christian church members who have an interest in giving care to congregants and others who have suffered trauma.
  • Women, some of whom were widowed as a result of the persecution, and who need physical, emotional and spiritual care.
  • Children and teachers of traumatized children
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Outcomes We Create

For the pastors, leaders, and spouses, we aim to:
  • Equip them with trauma-informed Biblical counseling tools to help them assist the traumatized, persecuted Christians in their communities...
  • For mature Christian church members, we aim to:
  • Equip them with Biblical Soul Care tools to help them confidently assist the pastors to care.
  • For the widows, we aim to:
  • Equip them with Biblical Soul Care tools to help them find healing for themselves and to learn Biblical ways to counsel their children and one another.
  • For the children and teachers, we aim to:
  • Equip teachers to identify trauma in children and provide age-appropriate Biblical Care tools to address the needs of the children.
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What We Deliver

To deliver outcomes to pastors, leaders, and spouses, we provide:
  • Level 1 and 2 Biblical Soul Care training
  • Level 3 training that equips them to train others to provide trauma-informed Biblical care ...
  • Level 3 training that equips them to train others to provide trauma-informed Biblical care
  • Materials, including videos and books that support the training
  • Counseling support for difficult cases
  • Consultation for church discipline situations
  • To deliver outcomes to mature Christian church members, we provide:
  • Level 1 and 2 Biblical Soul Care training
  • Level 3 training that equips them to train others to provide trauma-informed Biblical care
  • Materials, including videos and books that support the training
  • To deliver outcomes to widows, we provide :
  • Level 1 and 2 Biblical Soul Care training
  • Materials, including videos and books that support the training
  • Food and school sponsorships for their children
  • To deliver outcomes to children and teachers, we provide :
  • Level 1 & 2 Biblical Soul Care adapted for children’s spiritual & mental health needs
  • Materials for the teachers
  • Scripture-based play therapy materials for the children
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What Makes Us Effective

  • Trainees gain the ability and skills to identify trauma-related behavior
  • Trainees learn to diagnose the Biblical root of symptoms
  • Trainees learn to speak God’s comfort into traumatized lives...
  • Pastors and leaders taking level 3 will be able to teach Level 1 and coach level 2
  • Widows will be encouraged to form soul-care discipleship group for other widows to provide care for this group
  • Widows will be better equipped to provide more Biblically-oriented parentla care for their traumatized children
  • Teachers will be trained to recognize trauma in their students and provide Biblical care within their own communities.
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REACH OUT TO US Send Us a Message

Connect with us and make a difference by volunteering and supporting our clinically-informed, biblically-based mental health initiatives. Your impact starts now.

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a picture of two brothers
  • Pastor Arllen Ade,
  • Ph.D. In Clinical Counseling
  • Founder & Lead Trainer

LET’S GET STARTED Volunteer Now!

Be the change you wish to see! Volunteer now with our clinically-informed, biblically-based mental health support team. Your time and care can help transform lives and promote mental wellness.

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