Pastor Platt interviews Dr. Arllen on persecution

It's about the story of a 17-year-old young man called Matthew in Northern Nigeria. His is a testimony about how God used one of our Biblical Soul Care trained pastors – Rev. Daniel Dogo, to help him recover from trauma and complicated grief after the brutal murder of his father by Islamic jihadists. As a side note, Rev Daniel is our country Director who lives in the city of Jos. Jos (and Plateau State) is considered the last line of defense of the Christian faith in Northern Nigeria, from which radical Islamists are seeking to push Christians out. Our presence there is important for helping support the hurting Christians so they don't quit.

Mathew's father, an Elder at an Evangelical church in Northern Nigeria, was murdered by Muslim radicals a couple of years ago. It happened that they were traveling together when insurgents stopped their car and forcibly brought his father out. He begged for his life and even offered them some money in a bag. He thought they were mere armed robbers seeking to steal from them. But he was mistaken. They were seeking after his life just because he was a Christian.

That is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in Northern Nigeria. According to a report titled Martyred Christians in Nigeria issued by Intersociety, “over the past 14 years, at least 52,250 Nigerian Christians have been brutally murdered at the hands of Islamic militants.” The Christian Post reported that “4000 Christians were killed in Nigeria in 2024 alone, 12,793 since 2019, with 8000 believers abducted over three years.”

After they brutally murdered Matthew's dad and mutilated his body right before his eyes (and that can be unimaginably traumatic to anyone), they collected his remains in a sack and poured it out on him while saying something to the effect of “This is an example for you, if you choose to be a Christian like your dad!“ Before leaving him stranded, they also gave him the money his late father gave them.

As one would imagine, he wanted nothing to do with Christianity after the incident. His mother tried with no success to share the hope of the Gospel with him in his trauma and grief. He was deeply depressed, confused, bitter, and unforgiving of his father's murderers. It seemed like all hope was lost of getting him any kind of mental health care – let alone spiritual revival and a desire to follow Christ.

He was referred to Rev. Daniel – HAM's country director, who had been previously helped through our Biblical Soul Care intervention from his own experience of depression (see his story in our last newsletter). Not only was Rev. Daniel counseled and helped out at the Quintessential Mental Health Center (where he had been hospitalized for 10 weeks), but he also later received our training in trauma-informed Biblical Soul Care.

Today, Matthew has trusted Christ as his Lord and Savior and has expressed a desire to serve as a missionary. He is now in college. Praise God!

Help us train and equip 600 more pastors like Rev. Daniel to care for over 90,000 Christians suffering from the effects of persecution in Plateau State, Northern Nigeria.

You can donate HERE, please. Thank you!

Ethiopian Mission Trip 2019
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Hear A Widows Story

Our mission is to resist persecution by bringing healing support to the mental health of traumatized Christians of Africa through clinically-informed Biblical soul care and trauma training of pastors and church leaders. By God's grace we served 315 pastors and wives at the end of June! Without healing and support people suffer terribly.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) notes that “unresolved anger correlates to various mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. These conditions, in turn, can exacerbate physical health problems. Addressing anger through effective coping mechanisms, therapy, and lifestyle changes is crucial for improving both mental and physical well-being”. Healing Africa is on the front lines of providing this holistic relief to the persecuted church through Biblical counseling and care. Mrs. Esther Paul's testimony below shows Healing Africa's success.

“I worship with COCIN Sabon Gari in Northern Nigeria. I joined this organization when I was very hot-tempered. Anytime I saw children, I was harsh with them. I joined a counseling group with Healing Africa, which changed my life. Now, I know how to counsel, advise, and encourage others. I give God all the glory. I thank God, Reverend Daniel Dogo Awayi, Dr. Arllen Ade, and Healing Africa's management and supporters in Nigeria and America.” Please partner with us financially so more widows can continue to learn to better care for their children and join counseling groups to recover from issues like anger and anxiety! It costs $300 for a pastor to receive training for a year and a pastor shepherds around 150 people who will be cared for.

Suffering is common worldwide and many in the United States are experiencing mental health struggles too. If you or someone you know is suffering from anger, anxiety, depression, or addictions please consider joining us at the Hope and Healing for the Hurting Retreat (3H Retreat). Dr. Arllen, lead therapist of Best Aid Practice will provide a time of teaching to bring healing to those in the United States in order to raise funds for Healing Africa!

Hear A Widows Story
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